The Father-Wound

Greetings familia, Migue here.

Like many Sistars I've spent years trying to heal broken little boys, at the expense of my own little girl...UNTIL TODAY. I had to get real with myself, drop the stories, stop playing the victim and heal. More importantly - I had to get in touch with my shadow side, mainly the Father Wound that I had been neglecting. By not addressing this wound, not only was I keeping myself from the medicine that lives inside ALL of our wounds, but  I was constantly attracting these broken souls. It hasn’t been easy.

Many tears have been shed. A lot, A lot, A lot (did I say A lot?) of forgiveness had to happen. I had to begin forgiving my exes and continuously release our toxic connections. I then had to go deeper and forgive my Father for his inconsistent presence in my life. His lack of consistency left me always looking for love outside of myself, in ALL the wrong places. Then THE hard work began (& the most important work) forgiving myself.

If you are ready to vibrate higher by beginning to heal your Father Wound then join us on Friday July 20th  at HealHaus ( for some inner-child work. The BrujasofBrooklyn will gently guide you into shadow aspects of yourself so you can be liberated from toxic connections (romantic and platonic) and REMEMBER who and whose you are! 


What is a Sadhana?